Jr. Project Engineer full time

English text below

Cryoworld zoekt voor uitbreiding van haar organisatie een:



Cryoworld BV is een internationaal opererend, snelgroeiend bedrijf waar innovatie en kwaliteit hoog in het vaandel staan. Cryoworld ontwerpt en produceert geavanceerde cryogene systemen voor onderzoeksinstellingen, wetenschappelijke instituten en de hightech maakindustrie.

 Als junior project engineer in onze middelgrote organisatie lever je een belangrijke bijdrage aan de totstandkoming van onze projecten. Je hebt  een veelzijdige functie en houd je bezig met het ontwerpen, berekenen en tekenen van geavanceerde installaties en systemen voor toepassing in de cryotechniek. Verder ondersteun je de projectleider bij het productiegereed maken van het tekeningenpakket en het begeleiden van het productieproces in onze eigen werkplaats.

 Contactgegevens onderaan de pagina


English text:

Cryoworld BV is an internationally operating, fast-growing company where innovation and quality are of high importance. Cryoworld designs and produces advanced cryogenic systems for research and science institutions and the high-tech manufacturing industry.

Cryoworld is looking for a:


As a junior project engineer in our medium-sized organization you make an important contribution to the realization of our projects. You have a versatile function and are involved in designing, calculating and drafting advanced installations and systems for application in cryo technology. You also support the project leader in making the drawing package ready for production and supervising the production process in our own workshop.

You’re activities:

You set up 3D CAD models for our projects, independently or with together with a team
You develop the models into a production-ready package
Where necessary, you submit technical proposals and solutions
You support the project engineers and project leaders

This is you:

You have an Higher technical education or university degree in mechanical engineering or comparable
You have about 2 years of relevant work experience
You know how to work with a 3D design program
You enjoy working on new and innovative projects and products
You can work in a structured and planned manner and think in a solution-oriented way
You speak and write in fluent English and are willing to learn the Dutch language

We offer this:

A challenging, versatile job in a no-nonsense organization
A compact and enthusiastic team
A growing company in a high-tech market
Excellent working conditions
Plenty of career opportunities
Internal training in unique techniques and guidance from the best professionals

If you are interested in the above function, please address your letter of application to:


Contact data at bottom of page